15 research outputs found

    Systems maps and analytical framework. Mapping food waste drivers across the food supply chain

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    This report generated 17 systems maps for five contrasting product types that were investigated along their supply chains. The system maps identify: (1) Product specific drivers: drivers specific to the selected food products at a specific stage of the supply chain); (2) Generic drivers: drivers which concern two or more selected products (e.g. labelling errors, limited shelf life etc.); (3) Systemic drivers: drivers that are interlinked with more than one step of the supply chain (e.g. minimum orders, last minute cancellation, lack of data and communication, minimum life on receipt criteria etc.). The cross cutting systemic drivers emphasized supply chain issues, e.g. regarding notably the interactions between the different businesses and unfair trading practices. The systems map approach also shed light on two key factors that impact drivers according to the product specificity: (1) Impacts of food waste drivers highly depend on the level of perishability and microbiological risk of food products. For example, less perishable food products such as frozen and canned products are more likely to be wasted because of product damage, labelling errors and/or equipment breakdown. More perishable and higher risk food products are more likely to be wasted when approaching the \u201cbest before\u201d date or because of supply and demand imbalances and poor information sharing along the supply chain. (2) Lack of communication and cooperation is a central drivers of food waste. The impacts of these are higher in more complex products/supply chains where trouble with one ingredient affects the whole product (e.g. prepared meals). Finally, the systems mapping shed light on drivers which were \u201chiding\u201d behind other drivers. For example, the question of date labelling is a well-known cause of waste for perishable products, but very often there are further drivers behind it (e.g. overstocking in the retail sector)

    Drum Brake Squeal

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    Drum brake squeal is a common discomfort. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the mechanisms that generate drum brake squeal and to create a base for the search for solutions. A series of steps towards the understanding of these mechanisms are taken. Firstly, a simple model for friction-induced vibration is presented. The solutions to this model might be unstable in spite of a constant coefficient of friction. The essential thing observed is that a coupling between different modes is necessary to form instabilities. The coupling is shown to be between two translational degrees of freedom. Secondly, the mathematical model for friction-induced vibration is refined to take the flexibility of the drum, shoes and linings into account. This model is used to study the mechanisms that couple modes. The analysis shows that there are four mechanisms present in generating drum brake squeal. These mechanisms all occur owing to lining deformations, and the instability type is given the name "Lining Deformation Induced Instabilities". The mechanisms create waves that move in different directions. In a squealing brake, all the waves are superposed, which leads the solution towards a standing wave. A standing wave or synchronous vibration is always stable, and if a pure synchronous vibration is created, the noise would be eliminated at the source. The experimental partt of the investigation concerns the measurement of the vibration of a drum brake. The deflection shape is measured in operation, i.e. while the vehicle is running on a test ground. The deflection shape covers radial vibrations of the drum as well as radial and tangential vibrations of the leading shoe. The accelerometers are distributed both axially and tangentially on both the shoe and the drum. Finally, a finite element model for friction-induced vibration and noise generation is used to study the influence of different self-excitations on drum brake squeal. The model is semi-three-dimensional, with a two-dimensional drum and three-dimensional shoes. A contact element is derived that takes the friction variation into account as well as follower forces and negative .my.-velocity slope. For the brake analyzed, the results are: "Stick-Slip" is impossible for vehicle speeds over 0.04 km/h. The destabilizing effect of the "Negative .my.-Velocity Slope" is less than the stabilizing effect of the material damping of the parts. "Self-Locking" is shown to be impossible. The "Lining Deformation Induced Instability" type results in great squeal propensity. The instabilities from "Follower Forces" are negligible. The rotation of the drum gives frequency shifts that stabilize the brake. The frequencies and mode shapes generated from the model with the lining deformation induced instability type show very good agreement with the measured ones. With the knowledge of the mechanisms behind and characteristics of drum brake squeal, a set of solution classes is outlined. A series of examples is given to show the usefulness of such classes as an aid in the creative process of generating solution principles

    Drum Brake Squeal

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    Drum brake squeal is a common discomfort. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the mechanisms that generate drum brake squeal and to create a base for the search for solutions. A series of steps towards the understanding of these mechanisms are taken. Firstly, a simple model for friction-induced vibration is presented. The solutions to this model might be unstable in spite of a constant coefficient of friction. The essential thing observed is that a coupling between different modes is necessary to form instabilities. The coupling is shown to be between two translational degrees of freedom. Secondly, the mathematical model for friction-induced vibration is refined to take the flexibility of the drum, shoes and linings into account. This model is used to study the mechanisms that couple modes. The analysis shows that there are four mechanisms present in generating drum brake squeal. These mechanisms all occur owing to lining deformations, and the instability type is given the name "Lining Deformation Induced Instabilities". The mechanisms create waves that move in different directions. In a squealing brake, all the waves are superposed, which leads the solution towards a standing wave. A standing wave or synchronous vibration is always stable, and if a pure synchronous vibration is created, the noise would be eliminated at the source. The experimental partt of the investigation concerns the measurement of the vibration of a drum brake. The deflection shape is measured in operation, i.e. while the vehicle is running on a test ground. The deflection shape covers radial vibrations of the drum as well as radial and tangential vibrations of the leading shoe. The accelerometers are distributed both axially and tangentially on both the shoe and the drum. Finally, a finite element model for friction-induced vibration and noise generation is used to study the influence of different self-excitations on drum brake squeal. The model is semi-three-dimensional, with a two-dimensional drum and three-dimensional shoes. A contact element is derived that takes the friction variation into account as well as follower forces and negative .my.-velocity slope. For the brake analyzed, the results are: "Stick-Slip" is impossible for vehicle speeds over 0.04 km/h. The destabilizing effect of the "Negative .my.-Velocity Slope" is less than the stabilizing effect of the material damping of the parts. "Self-Locking" is shown to be impossible. The "Lining Deformation Induced Instability" type results in great squeal propensity. The instabilities from "Follower Forces" are negligible. The rotation of the drum gives frequency shifts that stabilize the brake. The frequencies and mode shapes generated from the model with the lining deformation induced instability type show very good agreement with the measured ones. With the knowledge of the mechanisms behind and characteristics of drum brake squeal, a set of solution classes is outlined. A series of examples is given to show the usefulness of such classes as an aid in the creative process of generating solution principles

    Yaw Stability Control System

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    The present invention relates is a yaw stability control system for a vehicle using a steering system and a method of controlling by detecting the occurrence of understeer, determining the degree of understeer after the occurrence of understeer is detected determining if the determined degree of understeer exceeds a threshold value, saving the steering wheel torque value and steering wheel angle value when determined that a calculated drop in steering wheel torque exceeds the threshold value, calculating a guidance torque, a driver-intended steering wheel angle, and updating the steering wheel angle at the start of the guidance torque calculation, applying the guidance torque to the steering of the vehicle, and using the driver-intended steering wheel angle for yaw stability control.Read more: http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090271074#ixzz2qAmWySb

    Yaw stability control system

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    The present invention relates to a yaw stability control system for a vehicle using a steering system and a method of controlling by detecting the occurrence of understeer, determining the degree of understeer after the occurrence of understeer is detected determining if the determined degree of understeer exceeds a threshold value, saving the steering wheel torque value and steering wheel angle value when determined that a calculated drop in steering wheel torque exceeds the threshold value, calculating a guidance torque, a driver-intended steering wheel angle, and updating the steering wheel angle at the start of the guidance torque calculation, applying the guidance torque to the steering of the vehicle, and using the driver-intended steering wheel angle for yaw stability control

    Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier f\uf6r Sverige - underlag f\uf6r diskussioner om nya klimatm\ue5l

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    ALSO AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH: https://research.chalmers.se/publication/529052Denna rapport \ue4r resultatet av ett uppdrag fr\ue5n Sveriges parlamentariska milj\uf6m\ue5lsberedning och utg\uf6r ett underlag f\uf6r diskussioner om Sveriges framtida klimatpolitik i allm\ue4nhet och om konsumtionsbaserade klimatm\ue5l i synnerhet. Arbetet har utf\uf6rts av 13 forskare vid Chalmers tekniska h\uf6gskola, IVL Svenska milj\uf6institutet och KTH. Rapportens syfte \ue4r att analysera hur de klimatp\ue5verkande utsl\ue4ppen fr\ue5n v\ue5r konsumtion kommer att f\uf6r\ue4ndras under de n\ue4rmaste 30 \ue5ren samt att \uf6versiktligt beskriva det vetenskapliga l\ue4get avseende globala utsl\ue4ppsbanor som klarar Parisavtalet temperaturm\ue5l och vad de betyder f\uf6r svenska konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4pp med h\ue4nsyn till olika r\ue4ttviseprinciper.DEL 1 - Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier f\uf6r svenska klimatp\ue5verkande utsl\ue4pp 2050Utsl\ue4ppen i Sverige (s\ue5 kallade territoriella utsl\ue4pp) var 5 ton koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e) per person 2019. I konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4pp s\ue5 inkluderar man \ue4ven utsl\ue4pp som uppst\ue5r utomlands vid produktionen av de varor och tj\ue4nster som vi i Sverige konsumerar, medan utsl\ue4pp i Sverige till f\uf6ljd av v\ue5r export r\ue4knas bort. Enligt Statistiska centralbyr\ue5ns metod ber\ue4knades de konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen till 9 ton CO2e per person f\uf6r 2019. Tidigare analyser har visat att 36% av svenska konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4pp sker i Sverige, 22% i l\ue4nder som ing\ue5r i EU:s system f\uf6r handel med utsl\ue4ppsr\ue4tter och resterande 42% i \uf6vriga l\ue4nder, inklusive Ryssland, Kina, USA, och Indien, d\ue4r klimatstyrmedlen i regel \ue4r svaga.I den h\ue4r rapporten g\uf6rs en analys av specifika tekniska \ue5tg\ue4rder och beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar n\ue4r det g\ue4ller flyg, bil, kollektivtrafik, livsmedel, uppv\ue4rmning samt investeringar i byggnader och transportinfrastruktur. I SCB:s statistik motsvarar dessa omr\ue5den 63% av de totala konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen.Fem scenarier har tagits fram baserat p\ue5 olika klimatpolitiska inriktningar och utfallen fr\ue5n dessa beskrivs i figuren nedan. De framtida utsl\ue4ppen p\ue5verkas naturligtvis kraftigt av vilken teknisk utveckling som sker i omv\ue4rlden. F\uf6r att belysa detta redovisas ett spann fr\ue5n h\uf6ga respektive l\ue5ga utsl\ue4pp. Den h\uf6gre niv\ue5n i spannet \ue4r resultatet av att omv\ue4rlden fortsatt utvecklas enligt Nuvarande trender och politik. Den l\ue4gre niv\ue5n i spannet bygger ist\ue4llet p\ue5 en Global klimatomst\ue4llning i linje med Parisavtalet. I Referensscenariot utvecklas beteenden och teknik enligt nuvarande trender och beslutade politiska styrmedel i b\ue5de Sverige och omv\ue4rlden. I det Territoriella klimatm\ue5lsscenariot kommer n\uf6dv\ue4ndiga beslut f\uf6r att n\ue5 de svenska klimatm\ue5len att tas. H\ue4r sker till exempel en \uf6verg\ue5ng till nollutsl\ue4ppsfordon och byggsektorn anv\ue4nder delvis fossilfritt st\ue5l. I det l\ue4gre spannet antas hela v\ue4rlden st\ue4lla om i linje med Parisavtalet, vilket bland annat ger l\ue4gre utsl\ue4pp utomlands vid produktion av fordon och mat som vi importerar, samt att internationellt flyg i huvudsak drivs med f\uf6rnybart flygbr\ue4nsle. Den h\uf6gre niv\ue5n i spannet illustrerar att Sveriges territoriella klimatm\ue5l n\ue5s, men v\ue4rlden f\uf6r \uf6vrigt st\ue4ller inte om f\uf6r att klara temperaturm\ue5len i Parisavtalet.I Beteende- och teknikscenariot genomf\uf6rs ytterligare inhemska \ue5tg\ue4rder f\uf6r att bidra till l\ue4gre klimatp\ue5verkande utsl\ue4pp fr\ue5n svensk konsumtion. H\ue4r antas utrikesflygandet och bil\ue5kandet ligga kvar p\ue5 2019 \ue5rs niv\ue5. Sj\ue4lvk\uf6rande bilar introduceras och regleras s\ue5 att det inte leder till \uf6kat bil\ue5kande. Det sker ett skifte inom animaliekonsumtionen d\ue4r h\ue4lften av n\uf6tk\uf6ttet ers\ue4tts med kyckling eller v\ue4xtbaserade proteink\ue4llor. En annan skillnad \ue4r att nybyggnationen av bost\ue4der halveras vilket m\uf6jligg\uf6rs bland annat genom att en del lokaler byggs om till bost\ue4der.I Omfattande beteende- och teknikscenario illustreras effekten fr\ue5n kraftiga minskningar av flygande, bil\ue5kande, konsumtion av n\uf6tk\uf6tt och mejeriprodukter samt byggnation av v\ue4gar och bost\ue4der, men med samma teknik som i f\uf6reg\ue5ende scenario. I Referensscenario med omfattande beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar visas effekten i utsl\ue4pp av dessa omfattande beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar, men i det h\ue4r fallet i kombination med att avancerade tekniska f\uf6r\ue4ndringar uteblir b\ue5de i Sverige och utomlands.Det \uf6versta spannet i figuren nedan visar vilka genomsnittliga globala netto-utsl\ue4pp 2050 som kan anses vara i linje med Parisavtalet, givet att det kvarvarande utsl\ue4ppsutrymmet f\uf6rdelas j\ue4mlikt per person. Studierna \ue4r utvalda av IPCC och streckens t\ue4thet visar p\ue5 m\ue4ngden studier som ger ett visst resultat. Den l\ue4gre utsl\ue4ppsniv\ue5n i spannet motsvarar att den globala medeltemperatur\uf6kningen begr\ue4nsas till under 1,5\ub0C. Den h\uf6gre utsl\ue4ppsniv\ue5n motsvarar temperatur\uf6kning under 2\ub0C med h\uf6g sannolikhet, eller att betydande negativa utsl\ue4pp efter 2050 f\uf6r att l\ue5ngsiktigt n\ue5 1,5\ub0C. Notera att dessa \ue4r netto-utsl\ue4pp och d\ue4rmed omfattar bidrag fr\ue5n negativa utsl\ue4pp enligt respektive studie, till skillnad fr\ue5n scenarierna i denna rapport.\ua0FIGUR - SE RAPPORTDe spann f\uf6r scenarierna som redovisas i m\uf6rkare f\ue4rg omfattar enbart de konsumtionsomr\ue5den som har analyserats i den h\ue4r rapporten (persontransporter, livsmedel, byggande och boende). Spannen i en ljusare f\ue4rg \ue4r uppskattningar av de totala konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen (inkl. \uf6vrig konsumtion och n\ue4ringslivets investeringar). Notera dock att inga beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar antas f\uf6r dessa omr\ue5den samt att denna analys endast \ue4r avsedd att illustrera ett resultat f\uf6r helheten och inte \ue4r lika v\ue4l underbyggt som \uf6vriga ber\ue4kningar.Utfallet visar att referensscenarierna, b\ue5de med och utan omfattande beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar, ber\ue4knas resultera i totala konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4pp som ligger p\ue5 en h\uf6gre niv\ue5 2050 \ue4n de studier som ligger i linje med Parisavtalets temperaturm\ue5l, givet studiernas uppskattade utsl\ue4ppsniv\ue5 \ue5r 2050 och att utsl\ue4ppsutrymmet f\uf6rdelas j\ue4mlikt per person. Resultaten indikerar ocks\ue5 att de konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen i det Territoriella klimatm\ue5lsscenariot ligger p\ue5 en h\uf6gre niv\ue5 2050 \ue4n flertalet av dessa studier. Beteende- och teknikscenariot motsvarar i stort studiernas uppskattade utsl\ue4ppsniv\ue5 \ue5r 2050, men det \ue4r under f\uf6ruts\ue4ttningen att den svenska omst\ue4llningen kombineras med en global klimatomst\ue4llning. Omfattande beteende- och teknikscenariot kan n\ue5 niv\ue5er s\ue5 l\ue5ga att de motsvarar studier d\ue4r globala medeltemperatur\uf6kningen begr\ue4nsas till 1,5\ub0C grader utan stora behov av negativa utsl\ue4pp, men ocks\ue5 detta under f\uf6ruts\ue4ttningen att det sker en global klimatomst\ue4llning.En \uf6vergripande slutsats \ue4r att de sammantagna konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen som kan uppn\ue5s genom ett fokus p\ue5 avancerad teknisk utveckling inte \ue4r tillr\ue4ckliga f\uf6r att med s\ue4kerhet ligga i linje med Parisavtalet. Det g\ue4ller \ue4ven om resten av v\ue4rlden ocks\ue5 genomf\uf6r en klimatomst\ue4llning. Resultaten visar ocks\ue5 att enbart omfattande beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar, och ingen avancerad teknik, ligger \ue4nnu l\ue4ngre ifr\ue5n m\ue5len i Parisavtalet. En kombination av b\ue5de avancerad teknik och vissa beteendef\uf6r\ue4ndringar skulle d\ue4remot kunna ge en utveckling som ligger i niv\ue5 med de genomsnittliga utsl\ue4ppen per person som Parisavtalets m\ue5l motsvarar \ue5r 2050.Fr\ue5gorna om ett land som till exempel Sverige b\uf6r besluta om ett konsumtionsbaserade klimatm\ue5l som ett komplement till det territoriella m\ue5let, och vilken ambitionsniv\ue5 som m\ue5let i s\ue5 fall borde ligga p\ue5, \ue4r naturligtvis politiska och inte vetenskapliga. En viktig aspekt att ta h\ue4nsyn till \ue4r att dessa scenarier inte omfattar potentialen f\uf6r negativa utsl\ue4pp. En m\uf6jlighet \ue4r att anta ett netto-noll m\ue5l \ue4ven f\uf6r konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4pp, d\ue4r kompletterande \ue5tg\ue4rder, s\ue5som negativa utsl\ue4pp, kompenserar f\uf6r en viss m\ue4ngd kvarvarande utsl\ue4pp.DEL 2 - Om utsl\ue4ppsm\ue5l utifr\ue5n Parisavtalet och internationella r\ue4ttviseprinciperEnligt Parisavtalet s\ue5 ska nationella m\ue5ls\ue4ttningar g\ue4llande utsl\ue4ppsminskningar uppn\ue5s med h\ue4nsyn taget till (i) att utvecklingsl\ue4nder kan beh\uf6va mer tid f\uf6r att v\ue4nda sina respektive utsl\ue4ppskurvor ned\ue5t, (ii) r\ue4ttvisa, och (iii) med h\ue4nsyn till en h\ue5llbar utveckling och fattigdomsbek\ue4mpning. Dessutom ska genomf\uf6randet v\ue4gledas av Klimatkonventionens \uf6vergripande princip om ”r\ue4ttvisa och gemensamma men olikartade ansvar och respektive f\uf6rm\ue5gor, i ljuset av olika nationella f\uf6rh\ue5llanden”. Det finns dock ingen konsensus kring hur de m\ue5l som beskrivs p\ue5 global niv\ue5 i Parisavtalet kan \uf6vers\ue4ttas till nationella m\ue5ls\ue4ttningar f\uf6r utsl\ue4ppsminskningar.Det \ue4r i grunden en v\ue4rderingsfr\ue5ga och en politisk avv\ue4gning hur de globala utsl\ue4ppsminskningarna ska f\uf6rdelas \uf6ver v\ue4rldens nationer samt hur Parisavtalet och Klimatkonventionens m\ue5l och principer b\uf6r tolkas f\uf6r svenska m\ue5ls\ue4ttningar. Forskare och analytiker har d\ue4remot bidragit med konsekvensanalyser av olika metoder och principer f\uf6r att f\uf6rdela utsl\ue4ppsutrymmet, som \ue4ven har diskuterats inom klimatf\uf6rhandlingarna.Globala genomsnittliga netto-utsl\ue4pp av v\ue4xthusgaser om -0,3 till 3,3 ton CO2e per person \ue5r 2050 kan vara i linje med Parisavtalets temperaturm\ue5l, se f\uf6rsta spannet i figuren ovan som \ue4r baserat p\ue5 IPCC:s scenarier. Detta g\ue4ller dock under f\uf6ruts\ue4ttningen att utsl\ue4ppen redan fr\ue5n 2020 minskar i linje med respektive scenario och att respektive scenarios behov av negativa utsl\ue4pp m\uf6ts. En h\uf6gre utsl\ue4ppsniv\ue5 omkring 2050, och l\ue5ngsammare utsl\ue4ppsminskningstakt fram till dess, f\uf6ruts\ue4tter betydande netto-negativa utsl\ue4pp efter 2050 om ambitionen \ue4r att l\ue5ngsiktigt begr\ue4nsa den globala medeltemperatur\uf6kningen till 1,5\ub0C. Det \ue4r d\ue4rf\uf6r viktigt att ta h\ue4nsyn till utsl\ue4ppskurvan fr\ue5n nu fram till ett eventuellt m\ue5l\ue5r f\uf6r utsl\ue4ppen samt perioden efter n\ue4r en utsl\ue4ppsm\ue5ls\ue4ttning \uf6verv\ue4gs.Klimatkonventionens och Parisavtalets r\ue4ttviseprinciper ger dock argument f\uf6r Sverige att anta en ambiti\uf6sare m\ue5ls\ue4ttning \ue4n globalt j\ue4mlika utsl\ue4pp per person, men ingen entydig niv\ue5 kan redovisas. En bed\uf6mning av potentialer f\uf6r utsl\ue4ppsminskningar och, i den utstr\ue4ckning det \ue4r m\uf6jligt, analys av \ue5tg\ue4rdernas kostnadseffektivitet ur ett globalt perspektiv, kan utg\uf6ra en miniminiv\ue5 f\uf6r faktiska minskningarna av de konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen. En ytterligare \uf6kad ambitionsniv\ue5 som tar h\ue4nsyn till historiskt ansvar och nationell kapacitet f\uf6r omst\ue4llning skulle antingen kunna \ue5stadkommas genom st\uf6d till utsl\ue4ppsminskande \ue5tg\ue4rder i andra l\ue4nder, negativa utsl\ue4pp, och/eller via snabbare utsl\ue4ppsminskningar av de konsumtionsbaserade utsl\ue4ppen